Holistic Care

I will be speaking at Wheatsfield Grocery store on Holistic Pet Care Tuesday, March 8th at 7pm.

What does holistic care really mean? To me it means considering all aspect of a patient’s life, not just their disease or problem, but also their lifestyle, diet, personality and needs, and in the case of pets, the needs and lifestyle of their owners. Who cares for them and how do they accomplish that with everything else going on in their lives? Holism is one of those nebulous goals like balance or harmony. How can we ever really consider ALL that can affect us and ALL of the treatment options available? Just because it is a daunting task does not mean we should give it up completely. There are some simple considerations that can start us on the road toward thinking more holistically about ourselves and our pets. I only have an hour to explore this topic, but hope to discuss some areas such as diet, disease prevention, and the varying needs at different life stages of animals.

Wheatsfield if you wish to join this discussion. Seating is limited.