New Animal Hospice and Palliative Care Textbook!

Over the past year, I have had the honor of writing a few chapters in the newly published textbook: Hospice and Palliative Care for Companion Animals, as well as contributing to the first offering of the IAAHPC Animal Hospice and Palliative Care Certification Program, a combination of online and in-person training for veterinarians and veterinary technicians on topics from philosophical and ethical considerations in animal end-of-life care, quality of life considerations and the technical aspects of offering palliative care ("comfort care") to animals in their last days weeks and months.

This is a relatively new field in veterinary medicine and it has been a pleasure to work with the caring individuals involved in developing educational materials and information for professional providers and caregiving families. The beauty of this care is that sometimes animals, just like people, actually live longer than expected when care is focused on comfort and the enjoyment of the life that is still present.

There are many considerations to weigh when faced with terminal illness including prognosis and the possibility of cure. I find these discussions are best approached in the home, involving the whole family, and with multiple visits as we monitor changes and different needs and questions that arise. Please
contact me if you would like more information or to schedule an in-home palliative care consultation for your animal.